Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Living Advocate for HIV/AIDS

Students always look forward to summer vacation to escape from the school demands and pressures. They can hardly wait to enjoy the summer heat and the out-of-town trips. I was once a student like them who just wants to make the most out of my summer break; to relax while having a good time before the school starts again. Summer 2010 came and I tell you, that was one of the best and most memorable summer breaks I had in college.

Unlike most students, I decided to spend my vacation as a volunteer.  When I heard about this summer youth program, I got really excited because I would get to experience field works and meet new people. I became a youth advocate for HIV/AIDS.  I gave seminars to the youth especially the out-of-school youth and even did household interviews.   Encountering diverse groups of people was a challenge but I learned so much from it. I was able to enhance my communication skills and the most important thing I realized was appreciating what you have and sharing what you can.

 I truly had a great time volunteering for the Department of Health. After graduating from the program, I still work on the things I gained from volunteering, share the knowledge I acquired about HIV/AIDS especially when I hear common misconceptions about the disease, and I still stand as a living advocate for HIV/AIDS.

St. Scholastica’s College has taught me to be an agent of social change and I would live up to that responsibility as I have big hopes for our country.  Being a part of a worthy advocacy makes me feel honored, knowing that somehow I can help others by just sharing basic information about HIV/AIDS.

Everybody can volunteer even at a young age. If you are not sure of what you want to do, do not be afraid to try things out because I am pretty sure that later on you will discover what your passion is. And when you find your passion, for sure you would want to volunteer yourself and be of service.

A CSR Story of Airene R. Belino
22 years old, a graduate of Liberal Arts and Commerce Gradaute, St. Scholastica’s College
Current Account Officer, Tong Yang Bank

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