Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pursuing Dreams with a Cause

I’m RJ Barrete, presently working as researcher in a government relations and political management firm. I contribute to several online publications as part-time writer.

My advocacies are advocating for peace, youth empowerment and blogging. These things bring me so much fulfillment whenever I consistently engage myself with activities that are in line with these. I don’t think there is a need for me to elaborate why these things hold much water in our society. Let’s mention it; other people would utter how attaining peace is so elusive that even reaching its very essence is far beyond human reach. For me, peace is not something you get in an instant, whatever situation that maybe – it will always be a collective effort from all key stakeholders involve. Whenever I work with peace activities, I always put in mind how Ronald Reagan defines it, “Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”

Our present generation can contribute a lot for today’s needs and social issues. We are full of idealism and equipped with knowledge for potential growth. There is something unique with us, the eagerness of doing what we want and the perseverance to change the world. The only thing that we must do is to ask ourselves what am I made of and what can I give to the society. Once those questions are already answered, we must work on things that we feel can make this world a better place.

My advocacies in peace building and youth empowerment have been my scope of interest since my uni days. It started when I joined my present organization, Initiative for Peace in Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong, that aims educate young individuals around the globe the value and urgency of conflict management in countries where conflict is relatively high. Annually, we hold a Peace Conference that encourages young leaders from different countries to come together to undergo workshops and lectures on how they can be instruments in forwarding peace. Last year, IFP focused on the Mindanao conflict. Furthermore, since I wanted to bring my peace advocacy to a new level and potentially I can use in some of my peace activities, I am going to study Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation in Bangkok, Thailand at International Institute of Peace Studies.
Your advocacy can take you the vision you want if you have the right people surrounding you. Together with my friends, we have this online youth magazine, Independent Skies Magazine that serves as a platform for the youth to raise awareness, share constructive opinions, create and showcase innovative ideas and live far beyond conflict. The team is consists of hard working individuals from the Philippines, Hong Kong, Canada, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mongolia and Iraq. Our contributors come from more than 30 nations and we have reached more than 90 countries. Our biggest project to date is We Are Baghdad, whicraises funds for orphans in Iraq. Our concentration is now on the Philippines, where we have already done a workshop back in August last year. We continue to collaborate with youth start ups and initiatives across the globe.

On the other hand, one of my personal interests that still keeps me motivated to pursue my personal aspirations is writing – just the idea of sharing stories to other people bring me fulfillment. One afternoon, I told myself, why should not I create a blog that shares success and inspiring stories of different people from various walks of life and so I set up a blog. I call it, “The Faces”, it takes a different take on personalities known in their career; gives inspiration to readers that share common goals in life; and to create an impact on someone’s worth through discovering the aspirations of other people. It’s a blog about passion and self-introspection – to inspire and move forward. I also help my friend from Nepal through writing successful uncovered stories in the Philippines that showcase best practices and projects that have relevant and social impact.

 Blogging for me can be considered as an advocacy, when you write with stories or articles with social impact, it can definitely change the lives and perspectives of people in a good manner. However, we should always keep in mind that whatever we read and see in the internet should always be subject for personal validation. It makes you empowered because you practice your freedom of what you stand for and on how you see things by perspectives

With all the things that I have mentioned, one might ask how I make these things sustainable. It is simple, practice consistency and enthusiasm. There were no things greatly achieved without these two. Let yourself know what you really want to do that makes you fulfilled and happy.
 If helping people is your passion, then be it. I mean, everyone of us has this ‘something’ within us, discover it. You don’t need to embrace the entire universe to be a hero for others; we can be a hero in our own little ways. 

Whenever I volunteer in charities and other organizations, I think the only great experience I can share is the sense of fulfillment I receive and letting the people in need feel that they are not being left out in our society, that someone cares for them.
The primary concern in doing these things is mainly to help other people; you change their lives first before you realize they have changed yours. Personally, it will take me a long journey before I can tell myself I have done my part.

A CSR Story by RJ Barrette, Researcher in a lobbying/government relations and political management firm.  Graduated with a bachelor 's degree in Public Administration and Governance at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

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